Here’s a video of the FIAT 500 you could win. It’s reasonably cool

2 minute read

Watch this guy who just loves the latest FIAT 500. Or is he auditioning for Getaway?


You’ve seen photos, read the history and we’ve published the worst 10 cars in history as a reference guide. Here’s a video of a guy who just loves the latest FIAT 500. Or is he auditioning for Getaway?

This car is pretty cool inside and actually runs. This video proves it (Courtesy – So far 452 people have entered this competition. One in 452 isn’t bad odds to win a car. We’re trying to worsen the odds by getting a lot more people to enter.


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By the way, we bought a blue one, which we think is much nicer than this red one. Not the blue one in the photo above either. A new one.

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