From virtual care to prescription and aged care solutions, the team has been busy.
The Telstra Health team is proud to have worked with its customers and partners in 2023, developing and supporting digital solutions to improve people’s lives.
Key highlights include:
- Launching new solutions and platforms including the next generation, award-winning FHIR-native virtual care solution, Virtual Health Platform
- Supporting GPs in coordinating over 35 million prescriptions through MedicalDirector Clinical and Helix software solutions
- Supporting 150,000 clinicians every day through our Clinical Content digital hospital solution
- Supporting 60,000+ residential aged care beds through our Clinical Manager solution
- Enabling more than 260,000 vaccinations to be administered in the UK through our HelixHub solution
- Supporting 73% of Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) through our patient information solution for community health services, Communicare
To discover all the ways in which Telstra Health has supported its partners in improving lives through digitally-enabled care, see Telstra Health’s Year in Review 2023 infographic here.