Tassie recruiting for GP flying squad

4 minute read

It sounds like a Brit-cop drama from the mid-70s but the Tasmanian government says it is serious about getting GPs where they’re needed most.

The recently re-elected Liberal Tasmanian government is recruiting GPs for its super flying squad and has released eligibility criteria for $250,000 general practice grants. 

In March, the Tasmanian Liberal party retained power at the state’s elections, promising to revitalise the struggling health system. 

With the lowest bulk-billing rate in the country and many GP practices on the brink of closure, it faces an uphill battle – especially given its ambitious plan to have the GP squad up and running by September. 

Promised in the Liberals’ “GP Guarantee” was the following: 

  • A state-employed team of 10 GPs to be deployed to struggling practices at short notice; 
  • Boosted funding to non-metro clinics by up to $250,000 per year; 
  • Wiped HECS debts for up to 40 GPs who work in rural and regional areas for five years or more; 
  • Extension of Hobart’s mobile GP practice trial for another two years; 
  • Establishing a GP-led ADHD specialist service. 

The state also announced a $100,000 relocation incentive for GPs moving to MMM2-7. 

Now it’s starting to happen. 

Last week the government kicked off its recruitment drive for the 10-doctor flying squad. 

The GP NOW Rapid Response Team will be deployed to areas of need in rural and regional Tasmania where private general practice is under strain while longer term solutions are considered. 

Minister for health, mental health and wellbeing Guy Barnett called on GPs to apply. 

“When Tasmanians need to see a GP, they should be able to see a GP, no matter where in Tasmania they live,” he said. 

“With recruitment now live, Tasmanians can expect to see this team up and running by September 2024. 

“The recruitment of these GPs, complemented by our comprehensive suite of investments into GPs, will ensure Tasmanians are receiving the healthcare they deserve. 

“This was another important commitment under our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future and this is another important marker in seeing it delivered – in line with our 100-day plan. 

“Today, I’m putting the call out to GPs across Tasmania, Australia and the world – we want you, we need you and we will support you in our healthcare system.” 

The territory’s government also released guidelines for practices looking to apply for multi-year funding of up to $250,000

“These flexible grants can help GPs to offer extended hours of service, embed nurse practitioners, attract new doctors, or expand their practice with capital upgrades,” said Mr Barnett. 

“The first grant round is expected to open by 3 August 2024, and I encourage GP practices around the state to take a look and apply. 

“Our health is our wealth and as a government we must do everything that we can to ensure Tasmanians have every opportunity they can to be healthy. 

“As the federal Labor government continues to neglect the important role that they play in ensuring the viability of our GP practices, we are today, once again, stepping up.” 

Eligible applicants for the grant must: 

  • be owners and operators of a physical, bricks and mortar, general practice and/or be owners and operators of a mobile general practice that utilises GPs to provide patient care; 
  • have current RACGP accreditation; 
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN); 
  • demonstrate the ability to maintain ongoing compliance with the Commonwealth Health Insurance Act 1973, particularly Section 19(2) which prohibits the payment of Medicare benefits where other government funding is provided for, or in some way assists, the medical service(s) provided; 
  • and be located in rural, regional and where particular disadvantage or significant need can be demonstrated, outer urban areas of Tasmania. 

Not all eligible applicants will receive funding, noted the guidelines. Application will be “competitively assessed” against the criteria for funding. 

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