Taking the good news where I can

4 minute read

I don’t ask for much, just a chocolate biccie and a good laugh and the world not resorting to fascism en masse for another week to keep my doctor away.

Just as I continue to be amazed and delighted by the restorative power of a chocolate digestive, I am also in continual awe of the power of politics and politicians to both amuse and appal, readers. 

Here’s a rundown of what this past fortnight alone has brought us. 

The US is teetering on the brink of fascism because the voters would apparently rather vote for a 78-year-old convicted felon and rapist with ambitions of dictatorship than for an 81-year-old with long covid who needs a nap after 4pm. 

Readers, I need a nap after 4pm and I’m barely approaching 60. Spare me. 

France teetered on the brink of fascism for a few days before the left wing suddenly woke up and realised they could vote, and probably should. They did and look how delighted and surprised they were by the result: 


In the UK a teeter into further incompetence if not fascism was averted when the Tories were swamped by the Greens, Lib Dems and, God help us, Nigel Farage, ganging up to kick the Conservatives a bit harder than they did Keir Starmer’s Labor mob. 

Image of the night? Here it is. It’s the caption that won the internet: 

I now get the opportunity to laugh unreservedly at my adult god-daughter who declared she wanted Rishi Sunak to be PM because “he’s the good-looking one”. I’d like to say we don’t share genes, but sadly we do. 

Sir Keir has put a scientist in charge of science, a prisons expert in charge of prisons and has made a working-class single mother deputy PM, so she knows how to run a budget. 

Naturally, the new secretary for health and social care, who has the unenviable task of dragging the NHS out of the dumpster fire it’s been smouldering in for the past 14 years, is Wes Streeting. 

Is he a doctor? No. Is he a healthcare administrator of some kind? Nope, don’t think so, but he was the shadow spokesman for health, so there’s that. 

Addressing the country following his appointment, Mr Streeting said the party was committed to negotiations with NHS staff in a bid to end the ongoing strikes, as well as a promise to slash wait times. 

“When we said during the election campaign that the NHS was going through the biggest crisis in its history, we meant it,” he said.  

“When we said that patients are being failed on a daily basis, it wasn’t political rhetoric, but the daily reality faced by millions. Previous governments have not been willing to admit these simple facts. But in order to cure an illness, you must first diagnose it.  

“I have just spoken over the phone with the British Medical Association junior doctors committee, and I can announce that talks to end their industrial action will begin next week.” 


I hear you ask, readers, what does all of this have to do with health and medicine, Scribbler? 

Well, I feel better. Don’t you? Last word to the indomitable Larry the Cat

Send small blessings and story tips to penny@medicalrepublic.com.au.

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