Relocate for a HECS-free life, and the southern lights

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The Tasmanian government is expanding its big promises of HECS debt clean slates to include MMM2 doctors.

The re-elected Liberal Tasmanian government is expanding its promise to wipe the HECS debt of GPs working in MMM3-7 areas to also cover MMM2 doctors, but the $100,000 cap still holds.

At the end of March this year, the Liberal party won the state elections, touting big promises to revitalise the state’s struggling health system.

With practices across the state on the brink of closure and the lowest bulk-billing rate in the country, there’s plenty of work to do.

Promised in the Liberals’ “GP Guarantee” was the following:

  • A state employed team of 10 GPs who will be deployed to struggling practices at short notice;
  • Extension of Hobart’s mobile GP practice trial for another two years;
  • Boosted funding to non-metro clinics by up to $250,000 per year;
  • Wiped HECS debts for up to 40 GPs who work in rural and regional areas for five years or more;
  • Establishing a GP-led ADHD specialist service.

The state has announced it will extend the HECS program to cover up to $100,000 of debt for up to 40 GPs who have finished training and choose to settle in outer urban MMM2 areas, as well as MMM3-7.

The GP Incentive Package will offer $100,000 in settlement allowance for GPs to practice in rural and regional Tasmania.

The allowance will spread over five years: 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% at the end of year one, two, three and four.

Minister for health, mental health and wellbeing Guy Barnett said the $4 million initiative was an integral part of the state’s plan to attract 40 new GPs to rural and regional Tasmania.

“I am incredibly proud to progress this initiative, that will incentivise more GPs to practice in rural and regional areas of Tasmania and keep them here for five years,” said Mr Barnett.

“We are making record investments across all major hospitals, employing more frontline healthcare workers and making steady progress to ending ramping – but we know that attracting more GPs here is critical to supporting this work, especially in our regions.

“I am confident that this significant incentive will begin to quickly attract GPs to our rural and regional communities, with Tasmanians to benefit as a result.

“This is another part of our GP Guarantee – with our commitment to also provide multi-year funding to outer-urban, regional and rural Tasmanian GP clinics and our GP NOW Rapid Response Team, both set to begin shortly.”

The guidelines for the initiative and how to apply will be released on 1 August.

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