MedicAlert QR Code could save your patient’s life

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MedicAlert gives you peace of mind and empowers your patients when they can't speak.

MedicAlert’s new QR code ID means instant access to crucial information at critical times.

In 2023 MedicAlert launched the MedicAlert QR Code service. Gone are the days of traditional medical identification jewellery and phone-based services. Instead, we now have complete access to essential and in-depth health records available in seconds.

With a simple scan of a QR code engraved on your patient’s MedicAlert ID, paramedics and doctors can instantly access your patient’s complete health record, including crucial clinical documents like Advanced Care Directives and ECG results. This instant access ensures that critical health information is available exactly when needed most.

The MedicAlert QR Code service was designed with doctors and paramedics, to ensure the service meets the real-life needs of emergencies. This design consideration guarantees that the information provided is practical and actionable during urgent medical situations.

Every health record in the MedicAlert system is verified twice to ensure accuracy and reliability, once against a global-standard list of medications, conditions and allergies and again by our in-hour team. This rigorous verification process means you can trust the information available through MedicAlert.

Dr Rodney Pearce (GP, Former President of the AMA (SA), Order of Australia) recommends MedicAlert IDs for his vulnerable patients.


Recommended by experts, referred by you. Request your free referral pack today.


“MedicAlert empowers the patient to care best for themselves when they can’t give you a history.” — Dr. Tony Brown, Senior Staff Specialist, Department of Emergency Medicine, Royal Brisbane Hospital

“Communication of a drug allergy is best patient care. If only they had known, they could have made the appropriate steps to avoid the things that he was allergic to.” — Di Edwards, Nurse Practitioner, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Flinders Medical Centre

Each MedicAlert Referral Pack Includes:

Sample MedicAlert ID with QR code to use in consultation with your patients.

Overview of Patients Who May Benefit from a MedicAlert ID: Detailed information on identifying patients who would most benefit from a MedicAlert ID.

Referral Pad: Simplifies the application process, making it easy for both patients and physicians to initiate.

Who should you refer for a MedicAlert QR Code ID?

Medical history isn’t always obvious, especially in an emergency. Having a clear, comprehensive electronic health record available can make all the difference. A MedicAlert QR Code ID provides a complete summary of a patient’s medical history, ensuring that healthcare professionals can access vital information quickly and accurately.

A MedicAlert Record provides detailed health and emergency information. Your patient can easily store Advanced Care Directives, ECG results, complete Medication Lists, Discharge Summaries, and other critical health documents. A complete record of their health status, right there on their wrist.

Knowing that their health information is easily accessible 24/7 gives your vulnerable patients confidence that they will receive appropriate care, even if they cannot communicate their condition during an emergency.

Why trust MedicAlert?  

MedicAlert is a registered Australian charity with over 50 years of experience supporting vulnerable Australians. In safely managing health information and providing lifesaving assistance, MedicAlert has established itself as a reliable partner in healthcare.

“Patients are asked to repeat their history every time they see a new doctor. When a patient has a succinct summary of their condition, such as a summary letter by their doctor, it’s such a relief. It means I can quickly understand the background history and then we can use our time more efficiently for current concerns and providing the care needed.”

— Dr. Caroline Foreman, Immunology and Allergy Specialist, Medical Director of the MedicAlert Foundation

Referring your patients to MedicAlert can significantly enhance their safety and care, particularly in emergencies. By ensuring that critical health information is readily available, you can provide your patients with the best possible support and peace of mind. Consider recommending MedicAlert IDs to your patients today!

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