Your AI medical scribe has some suggestions.
Dear Doctor,
Urizen, the AI medical scribe you can trust, welcomes you to your annual Quality Assurance Report.
At Urizen we value your loyalty and we care deeply about your communication data. Which is why we are issuing you with your very own individually tailored report.
Please read the report outlined below and take appropriate action.
According to our data:
i) You use an average of 13,000 words a day. The average GP uses 10,000 words a day. Which means you use 3000 words a day more than the average. It is suggested that you use fewer words.
ii) Your patients called you “doctor” on 5000 occasions, “doc” on 2200 occasions and used your first name on 1100 occasions. You were called “doll” on 50 occasions, “a legend” on three occasions and a “jerk” on two occasions.
Jerk can mean a quick, sudden movement as in “I jerked my arm out of the way”; however, in this context jerk means an idiot or imbecile. It is suggested that in the future you discourage your patients from calling you a jerk and refrain from behaving in a way that elicits this label.
iii) The most commonly used phrase in your consultation after “it’s probably a virus” was “yeah, maybe”. Maybe is defined as “possibly”or “perhaps”. It is suggested that you replace this vague phrase with the more assertive and reassuring “yes, definitely”. Our analysis suggests that doctors who use the phrase “yes, definitely” are rated as 12.5% higher on the trustworthiness scale.
iv) On 35 occasions you spoke for greater than five minutes about cricket. Cricket is a bat and ball game played between two teams of 11 players on a field. Cricket is not a medical condition. Urizen has placed you on special measures and will review the “cricket situation” in 12 months’ time.
v) On 23 May at 2.34pm you whispered “miserable bastard” under your breath as your patient exited the consulting room, triggering an automated Urizen report to AHPRA.
AHPRA has been provided with the full unredacted transcript, the patient has been notified and the medical regulator will be in contact with you shortly.
Good day, doctor, and thank you for using our service.
Urizen trades under the “Mind-Forg’d Manacles” group.
“Benchmarking Better Care, one metric at a time”