Honouring the legacy of a devoted medical practitioner

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A scholarship celebrates the life of a much-loved GP and respected medico-legal advisor.

The late Dr Nichola Davis was driven by her commitment to equity and compassion.

As a fitting tribute to the life and work of Dr Nichola Davis, a scholarship has been established in her name. The Dr Nichola Davis Scholarship at The University of Queensland aims to support aspiring medical students from rural or remote Queensland, helping them pursue their passion for healthcare.

If you would like to support this very worthy cause, we’ve included details at the end of this article.

A history of helping others

In March 2022, the medical community mourned the loss of Dr Nichola Davis, a skilled general practitioner, a compassionate medico-legal advisor for the Medical Indemnity Protection Society (MIPS), and a devoted mother of two sons, Jack and Max. 

Born in the UK, Dr Davis trained at the University of Cambridge and originally planned to specialise in obstetrics. However, she found her calling in general practice, likely due to her love of challenges and the opportunity to have a continuous impact on her patients’ lives.  

Moving to Australia in 1991, Dr Davis established her career in and around Cairns while raising her sons. She formed a strong connection with the region and served the local community for over two decades.

‘Some of our earliest memories are of her taking calls night and day, doing what she loved, which was listening to doctors and helping them in difficult situations,’ recalls Jack of his mother’s role as a medico-legal advisor at MIPS.  

Creating a lasting legacy

In 2023, MIPS set out to recognise the extraordinary contribution made by Dr Davis, both to MIPS members and to the broader Australian medical community. This led to the creation of the Dr Nichola Davis Scholarship at The University of Queensland, established in collaboration with Dr Davis’s sons.

‘Our mother felt very strongly about equity and would put her words into action every day. She spent so much of her life devoted to helping others that if this scholarship were to carry on her life’s work, it would come full circle.’ 

With a special focus on financially disadvantaged medical students from rural or remote areas, this scholarship is a fitting tribute to Dr Davis’s history of service to the north Queensland community, and continues her life’s work of supporting aspiring medical professionals.  

According to Max, ‘this was something she really lived by and is relevant for the motive behind the scholarship. I think the idea of leaving a legacy behind would make her happy.’

The brothers hope the scholarship will endure for years to come, continuing to reflect their mother’s commitment to equity and compassion. â€˜Her ethos as a person and as a doctor was all about helping others,’ explains Jack.  

How you can help

For all of us who share Dr Davis’s commitment to helping others, now is the perfect time to give back. Not only are donations to the Dr Nichola Davis Scholarship fund tax deductible, but right now every dollar you give will be matched by MIPS*.

It’s an ideal opportunity to double the impact of your gift and help the next generation of medical professionals reach their potential. Donate today at https://www.mips.com.au/donate-nichola-davis-scholarship


*Terms and conditions apply. MIPS will match donations up to $20,000AUD between 12.01am Sunday 29 September and 11.59pm Saturday 10 November 2024

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