eHealth NSW hits important milestone in SDPR delivery

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The eagle may not have landed yet, but there is now a landing zone, say the boffins at the Single Digital Patient Record Implementation Authority.

eHealth NSW says it is one step closer to a “seamless and efficient healthcare experience” thanks to the completion of its Single Digital Patient Record hosting environment.

In partnership with the Single Digital Patient Record Implementation Authority, Epic and Amazon Web Services, eHealth NSW says the platform – the AWS Landing Zone – “will be crucial for managing and deploying the EMR for SDPR”.

“The achievement is the result of tireless collaboration between AWS, eHealth NSW technical teams and Epic Systems and I couldn’t be prouder of the result,” said SDPRIA chief executive Dr Teresa Anderson.

“It truly demonstrates that our SDPR now has the infrastructure capabilities and readiness, in addition to enhanced security and compliance, to ensure it is ready for this exciting next phase of configuration.”

What is an AWS landing zone?

According to Amazon Web Services it’s a multi-account environment that supports workloads and applications, including identity and access management, governance, data security, network design, and logging.

AWS can either provide a readymade zone or can help create a customised platform using cloud technologies, which is the direction eHealth NSW went in.  

What’s next?

Now that the core foundation is built, eHealth NSW says the next phase is configuring the SDPR to ensure it meets the needs of NSW Health staff and patients.

The team will focus on data migration and integration to enable a seamless transition and integration with other systems and workflows as well as ongoing testing and validation, said SDPR associate director for service delivery, Rodney Daly.

“This step signifies the transition from planning and preparation to actual deployment and implementation, ensuring that we have the right infrastructure in place to support the high performance and reliability required for the Epic Systems eMR,” he said.

“This milestone while very technical will provide a number of improvements and benefits, including the easy scaling of resources to meet growing demands, enhanced security and improved performance.”

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