Early bird sales for connected care event end midnight tonight

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You have until midnight 31 July to take advantage of early bird ticket prices for HSD's upcoming event about connected care on 22 October in Melbourne.

Wild Health 24 in October in Melbourne will dive into leading-edge government initiatives for connected care and getting around current funding restraints.

Early bird tickets are on sale until midnight 31 July – that’s tonight. Make sure you book before then to take advantage of the best price tickets.

If you are a paid Health Services Daily subscriber you automatically get a 20% discount to all our events. Just log in to your account and book through the link below to redeem this.

Early Bird Tickets and Program HERE

What is it about?

At no time in the history of the Australian healthcare system has there been so much activity in terms of impending major changes to technology and platforms in the healthcare system. And the changes are not just being driven by government.

Across the nation hospitals and corporate healthcare providers are moving rapidly towards new models of virtual and connected care to get in front of major workforce issues and rapidly deteriorating budget positions across the states.  

Virtual and connected-care models are springing up across the country despite the fact public funding models aren’t designed to support them.

The system is creaking with the anticipation of big changes.

Wild Health 24 in October in Melbourne will be taking a deep dive into all the key impending government technology and platform initiatives, their timetables and the path for vendors into participation. It will also examine a range of innovative solutions being pursued by hospitals and other corporate providers outside of what government is doing, in order to help address our immediate workforce and budget problems and reduce some the stress in the system.

Some of the key initiatives to be discussed will include:

  • The plans and timetable for a national Health Information Exchange;
  • The state of Single Digital Front Doors in the states and the potential for a national project;
  • E-requesting for pathology and imaging in real time and what data-sharing initiatives are likely to follow;
  • How Sparked is aligning into all of the above government projects, where it is likely to land in the next two years and what that means for vendors and providers alike;
  • Where the My Health Record will fit in;
  • Interesting new virtual care programs in hospitals, including a deep dive into the Victorian Virtual ED, its expansion and innovative rural and regional initiatives for addressing inpatient and outpatient loads;
  • Improving procurement across the board for vendors, especially around state contracts;
  • AI now – AI that can be or is being used safely now and will be game changing in terms of system productivity;
  • Cybersecurity threat update.

Early Bird Tickets and Program HERE

Who is coming?

  • State and federal health department policy and ehealth C suite;
  • Hospital and corporate/private health provider C suite;
  • Technology vendor C suite – virtual care, cloud, cybersecurity, EMR, HIE, et al;
  • Health provider leaders – hospitals, private health, general practice, specialists, allied health;
  • Health coding and standards technology leaders and influencers;
  • Emerging disruptor platform providers.

Some of our speakers and panelists:

  • Dr John Halamka, President Mayo Clinic Platform
  • Daniel McCabe, First Assistant Secretary Medicare and Digital Health
  • Catherine de Fontenay, Commissioner at Australian Government Productivity Commission
  • Simon Cleverley, Assistant Secretary at Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
  • Bettina McMahon, CEO, Healthdirect
  • Dr Michael Wright, CMO, Avant Mutual and RACGP Presidential Candidate
  • Emma Hossack, CEO, Medical Software Industry Association
  • Steve Posnak, Deputy National Co-ordinator, ONC Health Information Technology
  • Paul Wilder, Director, Commonwell
  • Dr Suzie Miller, VVED
  • Kate Quirke, Group Managing Director/CEO, Alcidion
  • Dr John Lambert, CCIO, NT Health
  • A/Prof Amith Shetty, A/CEO, eHealth NSW
  • Professor Wendy Chapman, Chair of the ADHA Standards Advisory Board
  • Ryan Mavin, Branch Manager of Connected Care, ADHA
  • A/Prof Alam Yoosuff, Vice President, RDA NSW
  • Dr Emily Kirkpatrick, Managing Director, EKology Health

Early Bird Tickets and Program HERE

If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, contact michelle@wildhealth.net.au.

Other inquiries: greta@healthservicesdaily.com.au.

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