DoHAC’s spring cleaning spree

2 minute read

The department snuck out 10 two-line responses to health-related inquiry reports on Friday.

No doubt looking to slide under the radar, the Department of Health and Aged Care issued responses to 10 health-related committee reports in its 4.33pm newsletter on Friday. 

While on this face of it – bravo! Starting off the long weekend with some spring cleaning.  

Alas upon inspection, all ten reports contained a measly two paragraphs. 

“The Government notes this recommendation,” read the responses. 

“However, given the passage of time since this report was tabled, in [date], a substantive Government response is no longer appropriate.” 

The dates in question ranged from 2012 to 2020. 

The review topics: from the obesity epidemic to “the demolition of Federal-State health relations” to out of pocket costs. 

All unworthy of a response, I’m sure! 

While some reports were interim – one can only hope that the final reports warranted a response – six appear to be final reports. 

The takeaway? If a review sits on the shelf for longer than four years – as, evidently, they have been known to do – one risks looking down the barrel of a two-line response. 

The aforementioned reviews, from oldest to newest, are as follows: 

Let’s hope the recently-released trio of reviews aimed at strengthening Medicare – a cause one hopes most would rally around – have better luck. 

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