Do you like to tick little boxes? Then CPD is for you!

2 minute read

Are you a full-time doctor who wants a pointless second unpaid job? You’ll love CPD too!

Hello everyone.

This is a man.

He’s from the board. And he loves ticking boxes. He also loves a neat tie and shiny shoes.

Another word for a man who loves seeing his face reflected in polished leather is “arsehole”. Write that down in your copy book and remember to ask your dad what it means. I’m sure he’ll be able to think of plenty of examples because everyone your dad knows is some kind of “arsehole”.

The man from the board gets to decide what doctors do in their spare time. And he’s decided that doctors should spend their spare time completing pointless paperwork and ticking boxes just like him.

The problem is doctors already have a full-time job. It’s called being a doctor!

Look – it’s Dr Jones! Your family doctor. Here he is doing what he does best – writing  prescriptions while surrounded by slightly odd looking children.

But Dr Jones isn’t happy any more because he now has to do two jobs. His first job is to wade through the long line of patients waiting to be seen. 

And his second job is to wade through all the baseless paperwork required for his annual CPD. 

Here he is trying to work out whether he needs to record 12.5 or 25 hours of self-reflective activity and whether it’s OK to submit an audit done by his registrar or if this single act of plagiarism could land him in prison.

The whole process reminds him of that Greek fella with syphilis who spent all day pushing a big rock around.  

Like a modern-day vampire all of the additional hurdles and requirements set by the board have begun to siphon the life-force out of the profession. 

In fact, it won’t be long before conscientious GPs like Dr Jones haven’t got any blood left and there’ll be no one around to look after you or your family when you’re sick.

And then that self-satisfied arsehole from the board will be able to neaten his tie, polish his shoes and tick his last empty box before finally heading back to an empty home.

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