12 August 2020 Communication Technology Webinars When does a cloud exchange or co-location service become viable in healthcare?
11 August 2020 General practice RACGP RedHerring Social Media Technology Dr Karen Price: 18 tech/social questions answered
11 August 2020 Technology Webinars How do we manage more patient data with less doctor and nurse fatigue?
31 July 2020 COVID-19 Informatics Technology Telehealth What digital health’s COVID pivot really means
20 July 2020 Clinical COVID-19 Evidence Based Technology Is COVIDSafe distracting our patients from evidence-based solutions?
15 July 2020 Cancer Drugs Research Technology Building at scale knowledge based collaboration models in life science research
23 June 2020 Communicable Disease COVID-19 Technology Telehealth How telehealth has helped cut spread of COVID-19
29 April 2020 COVID-19 Government Surveys Technology Survey results: Are GPs downloading the COVIDSafe app?
28 April 2020 Communicable Disease COVID-19 Surveys Technology Survey: Are GPs downloading the COVIDSafe app?
9 April 2020 General Practice Technology Telehealth TheHill Is this an infomercial by a federal minister for MedicalDirector?