Are you ready for accreditation?

3 minute read

Take Professor Candid’s quiz and find out!

Crack your accreditation knuckles with this questionnaire.

1. For the purposes of accreditation, general practice is formally defined as:

a) A place that provides comprehensive, patient-centred, whole-person generalist primary care.

b) Err … isn’t it where I work?

c) General practice is a bit like fighting in the trenches, except you don’t have a gun and the enemy keeps trying to blow your head off with disease bullets and AHPRA grenades.

2. Practice equipment:

a) Should be appropriately maintained and stored according to manufacturer’s instructions, easily accessible and in working order at all times.

b) Should include a stethoscope clogged with ear wax stuck to a half-eaten ham sandwich at the bottom of your doctor’s bag.

c) Where’s the sats monitor gone? Does anyone know where the f**king sats monitor is? 

3. In terms of response planning:

a) Your practice has a tested response plan for unexpected events that could disrupt the continuity of your services including emergencies.

b) We need to designate an emergency officer, don’t we? Gayle, got a sec?

c) Can anyone else smell burning? It must be that toaster again – can someone please tell Julie to stop using that bloody toaster!

4. To minimise your practice’s environmental impact you should:

a) Have documented strategies aimed at improving your carbon footprint

b) Stop putting your sullied gloves into the office bin which is clearly labelled “recycling only”.

c) Print off all 115 pages of the RACGPs “Standards for General Practice 6th edition” thereby automatically failing this important component of accreditation.

5. To achieve quality improvement your practice should:

a) Undertake continuous improvement activities and elect a quality improvement champion.

b) Didn’t the registrar do an audit once? Does that count as a quality improvement activity?

c) ChatGPT is really good at that sort of stuff, I’ll get my daughter to do it.

6. When it comes to digital care:

a) Adhere to documented data governance and standalone digital care policy on how your practice’s technology infrastructure supports safe and secure use of current and emerging digital care within practice functions.

b) What?

c) Write your password on a Post-it note and stick it on the front of your computer – job’s a good’un!

7. An appropriate reaction to reading all 115 pages of the RACP accreditation document is:

a) “I’m pleased because this gives me something really meaty to work with.”

b) “There’s so much meat here I’ll be eating despair-pie for a year.”

c) Necking a couple of beers and putting Gouge Away by the Pixies on really really loud.

8. The next accreditation guide published by the RACGP will be:

a) 215 pages long.

b) 415 pages long excluding appendices and extensive footnotes.

c) Infinitely long, including not only everything that’s ever been written but also everything that has yet to be written including your future diary entries.

If you answered mainly a’s, well done ! You’re accredited – although you should probably start listening to the Pixies more.

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