On Wednesday I published a story about the GPDU session asking the question of whether we should have one, two or three colleges and I made several errors
On Wednesday I published a story about the GPDU session asking the question of whether we should have one, two or three colleges and I made several errors. I have corrected those errors in the article but for those who have not read the corrected version.
- Dr Liza Lack was originally billed as the president of the RNZCGP. She is in fact National Clinical Lead General Practice Education at Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.
- I originally, in haste, said that hardly any bigwigs made it to the panel. That wasn’t true. There was Dr Lack and the chairs of the Queensland and Victorian RACGP boards, and a good ACRRM representative to boot.
- In a similar vein, I implied that some important people opted out, when in fact they were not even asked. The most prominent was Dr Bastian Seidel, who is on leave expecting a baby.
- The story features a poll that was taken during the session. TMR instigated that poll after hearing the moderator say they would go to a vote at some point. That, however, was moderator humour. So GPDU in no way sanctioned a poll being conducted. In fact, they specifically did not want one.
I apologise to everyone who may have been misrepresented by this lazy writing and any hurt or harm it may have caused.
The story is re-edited and is a story by TMR, not GPDU.
Jeremy Knibbs