A one-page infographic is all the regulator can muster for its five-year data plan.
After almost three months of public consultations, including 109 submissions from across the sector, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency has produced a one-page five-year Data Strategy for 2023-2028.
The strategy is light on for practical detail, and pregnant with motherhood statements, particularly in its “statements of intent” section.
“Our community, including the public and practitioners, have trust and confidence in the data we hold,” it says.
“We respect and protect the privacy of an individual’s data. We are transparent about our collection, use and disclosure of data. We collect, use and disclose data to protect the public and enable a sustainable health workforce. Data is fit for purpose, rigorously protected and secure. Regulatory decisions are made by humans, supported by data. Our approach to collecting and using data considers cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.”
There is no discussion about or data on how far from those goals AHPRA currently is, nor how exactly the goals will be reached.