Testogel® sachets back in stock in Australia

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The manufacturer of testosterone replacement therapy Testogel (1% transdermal testosterone gel) has confirmed that stock levels of its widely prescribed sachet presentation will return to normal by 1 August [SPONSORED]

The manufacturer of testosterone replacement therapy Testogel (1% transdermal testosterone gel) has confirmed that stock levels of its widely prescribed sachet presentation will return to normal by 1 August.

According to Besins Healthcare, the shortfall in global supply of Testogel sachets reported in March has been addressed and it is now “business as usual in Australia”.

“We recognise that many prescribers, pharmacists and patients have been impacted by testosterone supply issues, which were exacerbated by the unexpected withdrawal of a competitor product at the end of last year,” said Geoff Blundell, Managing Director of Besins Healthcare.

“We have worked diligently to increase supply of Testogel sachets and are pleased to confirm that wholesalers now have ample stock to meet demand,” he said.

Besins Healthcare thanked doctors and pharmacists who had supported patients to transition from Testogel sachets to the Testogel metered-dose pump presentation – which has remained readily available – to ensure continuity of treatment.

“Doctors and patients can now make a decision on which presentation of Testogel – the pump or the sachets – that they would like to use on an ongoing basis,” Mr Blundell said.

“With ample supplies of the pump and sachets now available we can ensure men with clinically significant testosterone deficiency receive treatment with Testogel without delay or interruption,” he added.

 For Medical Information please contact: 1800 Besins (1800 237 467)


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Minimum Product Information:

Testogel® (Minimum Product Information) Testogel is 1% testosterone gel. INDICATIONS:

Testosterone replacement therapy for male hypogonadism when testosterone deficiency has been confirmed by clinical features and biochemical tests. CONTRAINDICATIONS: known or suspected prostatic cancer/breast carcinoma; known hypersensitivity to testosterone or any other ingredient, use in women or children. PRECAUTIONS: Regular monitoring of the prostate gland and breast, hypercalcaemia, severe cardiac, hepatic or renal insufficiency, ischaemic heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, epilepsy and migraine. Risk of sleep apnoea. Effect on doping tests. Must not be used in women. Testosterone transfer to others via skin contact. Must not be used in pregnant women. Must not be used in breast-feeding women. INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER MEDICINES: Oral anticoagulants, ACTH or corticosteroids, oxyphenbutazone, insulin requirements, buproprion, cyclosporine. In general, any substance which affects liver function should not be taken with testosterone. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Reaction at the application site, erythema, acne, dry skin, changes in laboratory tests, headache, prostatic disorders, gynaecomastia, mastodynia, dizziness, paraethesia, amnesia, hyperaesthesia, mood disorders, hypertension, diarrhoea, alopecia, urticaria. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: Adult Men: 5g of gel applied once daily at about the same time, preferably in the morning. Depending on clinical/laboratory response, the dose may be adjusted by 2.5g steps to a maximum 10g of gel per day.

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