Take 8: Are anxiety and depression related?

1 minute read

Many mental health disorders are intertwined, but the labelling system doesn’t always capture the complex overlap

Many mental health disorders are intertwined, says Dr Tom Paterson, but the labelling system doesn’t always capture the complex overlap.

Dr Tom Paterson, a psychiatrist and the director of the Adelaide Clinic Community Service, says that people with anxiety often present with depression.

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Similarly, people with obsessive compulsive disorder often get depression because of the frustration with the impact of the disorder on their lives.

“We used to say that insomnia is a symptom of depression,” he says. “What we increasingly realise is that insomnia is a precursor for people that get depressive disorders or anxiety disorders because people who really do have really awful insomnia in adolescence through have lives that are compromised because they don’t feel so good.”

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