Take 2: Is there an age at which IVF is unhelpful?

1 minute read

After a woman’s 44th birthday, IVF success rates are so low it isn’t worth considering, says Dr Illingworth

After a woman’s 44th birthday, IVF success rates are so low it isn’t worth considering, says Dr Illingworth.

“The success rate from IVF is incredibly dependent on the age of the woman,” says Associate Professor Peter Illingworth, medical director at IVF Australia.

“For a woman in her early 30s going into IVF, she can have a very high expectation that ultimately she will get a baby from it.

“However, once a woman gets past the age of 40, life gets very much tougher indeed.

“Normally a woman who is past the age of 40 needs to be realistic and aware that IVF gives her a chance of conception but it is far from certain that that conception will ever occur.”

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